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Is There Really Ungodly Sex In Marriage?

Christianity and other religious practices teaches that sex should not be had until marriage.

This is the reason , some of those who practices such Faiths wait for the sanctity of marriage to have sexual relations with the person they profess to love.

but is it really true that with the Christian Faith, certain things as it relates to sexual intercourse is forbidden?

MANY married Christian couples often wonder if certain sex positions and bedroom practices, such as oral sex, anal sex, and BDSM (bondage and discipline (or domination), sadism and masochism), are against God’s will.

This is because some churches still consider the topic of sex taboo and frown on certain bedroom acts. There are still faith groups that deem any position other than missionary as ungodly.

In fact, Word of Faith Fellowship in North Carolina has unconventional rules for sex and marriage, which, if broken, results in severe punishment. Within the institution, congregants need permission from leader Jane Whaley and other ministers to get married, and it then can take months — or even a year — before the newly-weds are allowed to have sex. On their wedding night, couples are permitted only a “godly peck on the cheek”. When they get into bed together, they must roll over and go to sleep.

Even worse, the sex act is limited to 30 minutes for all married couples, and foreplay is forbidden. The lights must be turned off, and only the missionary position is sanctioned. If followers disobey the rules they are publicly rebuked, subjected to severe punishment, or forced to separate.

In an interview conducted by All Woman a Jamaican blog, four individuals share their churches sexual belief and how it made them feel after disclosure.

The participants state that they were made to feel unclean after participating in what their Christian denominations considered “taboo sex”.

“I remember when I got married in 2008. About three of my friends in church had tied the knot the same year. One day after service we were speaking about how amazing sex was with our husbands and my two friends shared what they liked most. When it was my time to share I said I liked oral sex, and was almost exiled. I was told how ungodly it was and that it was a window for demonic possession,” Shernette B said.

For Alton E, his situation was no different. He said during an open discussion in his church’s Bible study on the issue of what is acceptable, he shared that, while he enjoyed making love, it was not his thing and he preferred rough sex. Much to his chagrin, he was openly rebuked for not feeling true love, because if he did, he would appreciate being tender and gentle all the time.

According to Sharon and Jonathan G, while they do whatever they feel to do in the bedroom, their denomination thinks having sex from behind, oral sex, watching porn together, listening to R&B songs, and role playing are secular acts. They said their church leaders try to justify their position by saying it is not God’s wish for them to bring the world into their bedroom, rather they should partake in sex that sets them apart as holy people.

Reverend Karl Johnson, general secretary of the Jamaica Baptist Union, said such a thing is unfortunate, as the Bible doesn’t provide a list of approved positions. Instead, he said Christians should be encouraged to be expressive, creative and adventurous in their times of intimacy and sexual intercourse within the context of mutuality, safety (that is avoid any practice that could result in illness/disease), and sensitivity.

What is more, according to Christian blog site Today’s Christian Woman (TCW), even if a list of rules existed, a solution would be far-fetched, as different communities of Christians have different understandings about sexual practices that are based on a few general biblical principles. In short, no list would be accepted by all Christians.

Marriage, sex and family therapist Rev Carla Dunbar, known for her modern thinking, said: “There is no wrong or ungodly sex position, if you ask me. God is the inventor of sex, so all glory to Him for our ability to maximise our sexual potential. She referred couples to the Bible for answers: Heb 13:4 “Marriage is honourable and the bed [sexual union] undefiled,” and 1 Cor 7: 3-5 “Do not deprive each other of sexual fulfilment.”

For those couple who struggles Dunbar recommends they read Sexcription: The Prescription for Sex help to clarify any muddled understanding.

Dunbar, however, says “The only thing prohibited between the couple is anal sex from Genesis to Revelation. So in the marital union literally lick yu head, go crazy whatever!”

Some excerpts taken from All Woman Blog


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